December 12, 2024

Fig Leaf Panna Cotta

A summer recipe by Grace Gloria Denis


500 g fig leaf cream (see below)

150 g beet sugar

2 vanilla beans

4 sheets of gelatin, or agar agar

500 g buttermilk


Whip 250 g of the Fig leaf Cream to soft peaks and set aside.

Warm the remaining 250 g of the Fig Leaf Cream in a small saucepan with the sugar and vanilla, until about 40˚c.

Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the gelatin until dissolved.

Add the buttermilk and stir until emulsified.

Temper a third of the buttermilk mixture into the whipped Fig Leaf Cream.

Introduce the whipped Fig Leaf Cream into the remaining buttermilk mixture using a whisk.

Divide the panna cotta into serving vessels and let set for about two hours in the refrigerator.

Fig Leaf Cream


8 fig leaves

600 g heavy cream


Slightly toast the fig leaves in the oven at 160˚c for about five minutes and let cool.

Once cooled, place them in a blender on high and process into a powder.

Cold steep the fig leaf powder in the heavy cream for 24 hours.

Strain the cream through a fine mesh strainer

Fig Leaf Oil


About 20 fig leaves

200g of a neutral flavoured oil


Cut leaves in halves and place in a high-powered blender.

Add the oil to blend on the highest setting for about two minutes.

Let the mixture cool down over an ice bath.

Once cooled, hang the oil mixture overnight in a cheesecloth over a mesh strainer.